To enjoy the ultimate biking experience, you will need the right gear. The suitability of gear is usually measured on two scales: safety and comfort. When most people talk about motorcycle gear, they focus on just two things for the rider: helmets and jackets/suits.

Once these two elements are covered, attention immediately moves to accessories that touch the bike itself- Bluetooth, pressure monitors and such. Attention is rarely given to shoes, despite their being an important riding accessory.

The Right Shoes for Motorcycle Riding

While you can ride with pretty much every shoe that can get on your foot, you should always look for shoes that keep the lower parts of your legs warm. The cold that results from the breeze as you ride can result in pain on your ankles in the long run. The problem is that such damage is so slow you rarely notice it, often until it is too late.

Padded Boots

For this reason, it is always advisable to ride in boots rather than low-cut shoes. The boots themselves should be properly padded so that they keep water out in case you are riding in a wet environment. Warm socks also play a big role in keeping the foot area warm.

The nature of the ride will, however, determine the exact type of shoe to wear. Riders, especially men, will not want to keep changing shoes every time they hop on or off the bike. For short rides like, say, a ride to work, it is fine to wear shoes that go with your everyday office wear. This is referred to as a ‘casual ride’ within biking circles. When riding casually, socks complement shoes in keeping the lower area of the leg warm.

When going for long riding expeditions, however, always make sure you have a high-cut pair of shoes on.


Whatever kind of ride you are going out for and whatever kind of shoes you wear, you should always be careful about lacing. If you look closely, you will notice that most people lose their shoes in the event of an accident. The main cause for this is loose lacing.

Tying your shoes well before embarking on the ride can protect you from foot injuries. It might seem like a simple precaution but it can save you from serious injuries in the event of a crash.

Shoes for Aesthetics

Bike riding is, in many ways, about showing off. Bikers love the fanfare associated with biking. Shoes can be a great way to complete the biking look. Always look for a pair that matches your bike colour. The fact that there are great online shoe stores means that bikers can now complement whatever type of bike they have with a trendy shoe.